Fabbri D.; Prati S.; Chiavari G.; Gazzetti A.; Vassura I., Characterisation of thermal degradation products from biomass by analytical off-line pyrolysis and pyrolysis/silylation, in: Pyrolysis 2004 16th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 197 - 197 (atti di: Pyrolysis 2004 16th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Alicante, Spagna, 23-27 Maggio 2004) [Abstract]
L. Gagliardi; G. Orlandi; F. Bernardi; A. Cembran; M. Garavelli, A Theoretical Study of the Lowest Electronic States of azobenzene: The role of torsion coordinate in the cis-trans photoisomerization, «THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS», 2004, 111, pp. 363 - 372 [Scientific article]
M. Wanko; M. Garavelli; F. Bernardi; T. A. Niehaus; T. Frauenheim; M. Elstner, A Global Investigation of Excited State Surfaces within Time-Dependent Density-Functional Response Theory, «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 120, pp. 1674 - 1692 [Scientific article]
N. Ferré; A. Cembran; M. Garavelli; M. Olivucci, CASSCF/Amber parameterization of the Lys296-Retinal-Glu113 rhodopsin chromophore-counterion system, «THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS», 2004, 127, pp. 179 - 191 [Scientific article]
Migani A.; Sinicropi A.; Ferre N.; Cembran A.; Garavelli M.; Olivucci M., Structure of the intersection space associated with Z/E photoisomerization of retinal in rhodopsin proteins, «FARADAY DISCUSSIONS», 2004, 127, pp. 179 - 191 [Scientific article]
Luppi G.; Galeazzi R.; Garavelli M.; Formaggio F.; Tomasini C., beta-Pseudopeptide foldamers. The homo-oligomers of (4R)-(2-oxo-1,3-oxazolidin-4-yl)-acetic acid (D-Oxac), «ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2004, 2, pp. 2181 - 2187 [Scientific article]
A. Cembran; F. Bernardi; M. Olivucci; M. Garavelli, Counterion Controlled Photoisomerization of Retinal Chromophore Models: a Computational Investigation, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2004, 126, pp. 16018 - 16037 [Scientific article]
F. Cavani; N. Ballarini; M. Cimini; F. Trifirò; U. Cornaro; R. Catani, New Catalytic Systems based on Rutile-Type Mixed Oxides for the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile, in: S.N., Book of Abstracts 7th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, DALIAN, s.n, 2004, pp. 305 - 306 (atti di: 7th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Dalian (China), 6-10 giugno) [Abstract]
L. Forni; G. Fornasari; G. Giordano; C. Lucarelli; A. Katovic; F. Trifirò; C. Perri; J.B.Nagy, Effect of exchange procedure and crystal size on high silica MFI zeolite as catalyst for vapor phase beckmann rearrangement, in: E. van Steen, M. Claeys, L.H. Callanan, Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials Proceedings of the 14th International Zeolite Conference, «STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS», 2004, 154 Part C, pp. 2823 - 2830 (atti di: 14 International Zeolite Conference Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Cape Town, South Africa, 25–30 April 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Montante G.; Galletti C., LDA Measurements and CFD Predictions of Turbulent Flow Fields in Unbaffled Stirred Vessels, in: Nuove Frontiere di Applicazione delle Metodologie dell'Ingegneria Chimica, s.l, s.n, 2004, II, pp. 1211 - 1214 (atti di: Convegno GRICU 2004, Porto d'Ischia (NA), 12-15 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brucato A.; Cassano A. E.; Grisafi F.; Montante G.; Rizzuti L.; Vella G., Modelling of radiant fields in flat heterogeneous photoreactors, in: 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, s.l, s.n, 2004(atti di: CHISA 2004, Prague, 22-26 August 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Setti; C. Piana; S. Bonazzi; B. Ballarin; D. Frascaro; A. Fraleoni Morgera; S. Giuliani, Thermal Inkjet Technology for the Microdeposition of Biological Molecules as a Viable Route for the Realization of Biosensors, «ANALYTICAL LETTERS», 2004, 37(8), pp. 1559 - 1570 [Scientific article]
Carpani I.; Berrettoni M.; Ballarin B.; Giorgetti M.; Scavetta E.; Tonelli D.;, Study on the intercalation of hexacyanoferrate(II) in a Ni,Al based hydrotalcite, «SOLID STATE IONICS», 2004, 168(1-2), pp. 167 - 175 [Scientific article]
E.Scavetta; B.Ballarin; M.Giorgetti;I.Carpani; F.Cogo; D.Tonelli;, Electrodes modified by one-step electrosynthesis of Ni/Al-NO3 double layered hydroxide, «JOURNAL OF NEW MATERIALS FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL SYSTEMS», 2004, 7(1), pp. 43 - 50 [Scientific article]
Ballarin B.; Fraleoni-Morgera A.; Frascaro D.; Marazzita S.; Piana C.; Setti L., Thermal inkjet microdeposition of PEDOT:PSS on ITO-coated glass and characterization of the obtained film, «SYNTHETIC METALS», 2004, 146(2),, pp. 201 - 205 [Scientific article]
F. Cisnetti; R. Ballardini; A. Credi; M. T. Gandolfi; S. Masiero; F. Negri; S. Pieraccini; G. P. Spada, PHOTOCHEMICAL AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF CONJUGATED BIS(AZO) COMPOUNDS: AN EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL STUDY, in: 2nd National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: The Molecular Approach, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 000 - 000 (atti di: 2nd National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: The Molecular Approach, Bologna, 25-27 Febbraio 2004) [Abstract]
G. Sartori; R. Ballini; F. Bigi; G. Bosica; R. Maggi; P. Righi, Protection (and Deprotection) of Functional Groups in Organic Synthesis by Heterogeneous Catalysis, «CHEMICAL REVIEWS», 2004, 104, pp. 199 - 250 [Scientific article]
Righi P.; Scardovi N.; Marotta E.; Rosini G., Linear aminopolyhydroxylated compounds through multi-bond forming processes, in: JCO 2004 Journées de Chimie Organicque Livre des communications, PARIS, Société française de Chimie, 2004, pp. 18 - 19 (atti di: JCO 2004 Journées de Chimie Organicque, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau (France), 7-9 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Cavani; L. Dal Pozzo; C. Felloni; L. Maselli; D. Scagliarini, Enhancement of regioselectivity in the gas-phase methylation of m-cresol with multifunctional heterogeneous catalysts, in: S.N., Abstracts 20th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions, s.l, ORCS, 2004, pp. 26 - 27 (atti di: 20th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions, Hilton Head Island (USA), marzo) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Finelli; V. Siracusa; N. Lotti; P. Marchese; A. Munari, Comportamento a fusione, cinetica di cristallizzazione e parametri termodinamici del poli(ditiotrietilene adipato)., in: AICING 04 - Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Nazionale di Chimica per l'Ingegneria - Atti, PERUGIA, David Cappelletti, 2004, pp. MM5 - MM5 (atti di: AICING 04 - I Congresso Nazionale della Associazione di Chimica per l'Ingegneria, Perugia, Italy, 12-14 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]