BRUNAZZI E.; PAGLIANTI A. ; S. PINTUS, Experimental measurements of solid concentration distribution in mechanically stirred solid-liquid systems, in: G.P. CELATA, 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, PISA, Celata, 2004(atti di: 3 International Symposium on two-phase flow modelling and experimentation, Pisa, 22-25 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BRUNAZZI E.; GHETTI S. ; A. PAGLIANTI, A mechanistic model for re-entrainment in wave plate demisters, in: ALIMONTI, BUBBICO, CELATA, MAZZAROTTA, Papers' Copy 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, MILANO, Animp Servizi, 2004(atti di: 9th International Conference Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Roma, 20-21 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BRUNAZZI E.; GHETTI S.; MERELLO C. ; A. PAGLIANTI, Experimental study of the re-entrainment in wave plate demisters, in: GRICU, Nuove Frontiere di Applicazione delle metodologie dell'Ingegneria Chimica, s.l, Cues srl, 2004, pp. 625 - 628 (atti di: Convegno GRICU 2004, Porto d'Ischia (Na), 12-15 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Berti; M. Colonna; M. Fiorini; C. Lorenzetti; P. Marchese, Chemical modification of terephthalate polyesters by reaction with bis(hydroxyethyl ether) of bisphenol A., «MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING», 2004, 289(1), pp. 49 - 55 [Scientific article]
A. Celli; P. Marchese, Crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in poly(ethylene terephthalate)/bisphenol A polycarbonate block copolymers: Influence of block length and role of the rubbery amorphous component., «MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS», 2004, 205(18), pp. 2486 - 2495 [Scientific article]
P. Marchese; A. Celli; M. Fiorini, Relationships between the molecular architecture, crystallization capacity, and miscibility in poly(butylene terephthalate)/polycarbonate blends: A comparison with poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polycarbonate blends., «JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART B, POLYMER PHYSICS», 2004, 42(15), pp. 2821 - 2832 [Scientific article]
V. Balzani; A. Credi, Molecular Level Machines, in: Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry, NEW YORK, Marcel Dekker, 2004, pp. 931 - 938 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
V. Balzani; A. Credi; M. Venturi, Macchine molecolari, in: Enciclopedia del Novecento, ROMA, Istituto della enciclopedia italiana, 2004, pp. 99 - 110 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Patent EP 1386937, Two-step process for preparing poly(cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate)s..
Patent US 6,828,410, Method for preparing poly(cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate)s from cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid, and composition..
F. Cavani, “Lo sviluppo e la gestione dei processi chimici industriali” Prima Parte, BOLOGNA, CLUEB, 2004, pp. 254 . [Research monograph]
F. Trifirò; S. Albonetti; S. Blasioli; S. Augustine; A. Malandra; S. Scirè, Catalytic destruction of aromatic molecules over modified SCR catalysts, in: 7° Congresso INCA - Atti del Convegno, VENEZIA, s.n, 2004(atti di: 7° Congresso INCA - Atti del Convegno, Venezia, 2-3 Settembre 2004) [Abstract]
S. Albonetti; S. Blasioli; F. Trifirò; S. Augustine, Catalytic destruction of aromatic compounds by TiO2 based V2O5/WO3 catalysts, in: Ecomondo. Atti del convegno., RIMINI, s.n, 2004, pp. 548 - 555 (atti di: Ecomondo, Rimini, Novembre 2004) [Abstract]
S. Albonetti; S. Augustine; S. Blasioli; J. Epoupa Mengou; F. Trifirò; S. Scirè, Catalytic destruction of chlorinated organics over V2O5/TiO2 catalysts doped with silica, in: Book of abstracts - 5th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 5), BARI, s.n, 2004(atti di: 5th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Bari, Italy, 19-23 December 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
J.L. Sotelo; L. Calvo; A. Pérez; D. Capilla; F. Cavani; M. Bolognini, The influence of structure and acidity of zeolitic materials on the transalkylation of diisopropylbenzene with benzene in supercritical carbon dioxide, in: S.N., 9th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications Book of Abstracts, TRIESTE, ISASF, 2004, pp. 165 - 165 (atti di: 9th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Trieste, --) [Abstract]
F. Cavani, Hydroxymethylation of 2-methoxyphenol with formaldehyde to yield vanillic alcohols: a comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous acid catalysis, in: S.N., Abstracts 20th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions, s.l, ORCS, 2004, pp. 50 - 51 (atti di: 20th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions, Hilton Head Island (USA), 21-25 Marzo) [Abstract]
F. Basile; S. Albertazzi; P. Arpentier; P. Del Gallo; G. Fornasari; D. Gary; V. Rosetti; A. Vaccari, New catalysts for teh syngas production obtained by hydrotalcite-type precursor containing silicate, in: Natural Gas Conversion VII, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 211 - 215 (STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS) [Chapter or essay]
Pagnotta E.; Calonghi N.; Cappadone C.; Boga C.; Dal Piaz F.; Masotti L., 9-hydroxystearic acid is a histone deacetylase inhibitor, in: CIB, CNB7, PARMA, Graphital, 2004, 7, pp. 157 - 157 [Abstract]
Calonghi N.; Pagnotta E.; Cappadone C.; Boga C.; Dal Piaz F.; Masotti L., The role of caspase-9, bax, and p53 in the apoptotic response triggered by 9-hydroxystearic acid, in: null, 2004, 53, pp. 347 - 347 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Calonghi N.; Pagnotta E.; Cappadone C.; Boga C.; Masotti L., The EGF- induced cell proliferation and migration in HT29 is inhibited by 9-hydroxystearic acid, in: null, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY», 2004, 53, pp. 112 - 112 [Abstract]