L. Forni; G. Fornasari; G. Giordano; C. Lucarelli; A. Katovic; F. Trifirò; C. Perri; J.B. Nagy, Vapor phase Beckmann rearrangement using high silica zeolite catalyst, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 6, pp. 1842 - 1847 [Scientific article]
F. Basile; G. Fornasari; M. Livi; F. Tinti; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Performance of new Pt and Pt-Cu on hydrotalcite-derived materials for NOx storage/reduction, «TOPICS IN CATALYSIS», 2004, 30/31, pp. 223 - 227 [Scientific article]
L. Forni; C. Tosi; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari; J.B. Nagy, Vapour-phase Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone-oxime over Al-MCM-41 type mesostructured catalysts, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL», 2004, 221, pp. 97 - 103 [Scientific article]
V. G. Albano; L. Busetto; F. Marchetti; M. Monari; S. Zacchini; V. Zanotti, Stereochemistry of the insertion of disubstituted alkynes into the metal aminocarbyne bond in diiron complexes, «JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY», 2004, 689, pp. 528 - 538 [Scientific article]
C. Boga; R. Stengel; R. Abdayem; E. Del Vecchio; L. Forlani; P. E. Todesco, Regioselectivity in the Addition of Vinylmagnesium Bromide to Heteroarylic Ketones: C- versus O-Alkylation, «JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2004, 69, pp. 8903 - 8909 [Scientific article]
M. Lanzi; L. Paganin; P. Costa Bizzarri, Synthesis and polymerization of a new thiophene functionalized with both NLO-active chromophore and an alkylic self-plastifying chain, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2004, 40, pp. 2117 - 2127 [Scientific article]
L. Paganin; M. Lanzi; P. Costa Bizzarri, Poli[3-esil-4-(6-bromoesil)tiofene]: un intermedio-chiave per la sintesi di politiofeni multifunzionali autoplastificanti, in: SOCIETÀ CHIMICA ITALIANA, S.C.I. & SIGMA-ALDRICH, 4° Sigma Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, 4° S.A.Y.C.S., Riccione (RN), 17-19 Maggio 2004, RICCIONE, Società Chimica Italiana, S.C.I. & Sigma-Aldrich, 2004, pp. 61 - 61 [Abstract]
L. Paganin; M. Lanzi; P. Costa Bizzarri, Poli[3-esil-4-(6-bromoesil)tiofene]: un intermedio-chiave per la sintesi di politiofeni multifunzionali autoplastificanti, in: AIM (ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DELLE MACROMOLECOLE), Macrogiovani 2004, Gargnano (BS) 26 Maggio 2004, Atti, OSPEDALETTO (PI), Pacini Editore, 2004, pp. 1 - 1 [Abstract]
B. Ballarin; M. Lanzi; L. Paganin, Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of polyalkylthiophene bearing NLO chromophoric units, in: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, International Society of Electrochemistry, 55th Annual Meeting, Thessaloniki (Greece) 19-24 Settembre 2004, Atti vol I, SALONICCO, ISE, 2004, pp. 1000 - 1000 [Abstract]
L. Paganin; M. Lanzi; P. Costa Bizzarri, The poly{3-[6-N-piperidin)hexyl]-2,5-thienylene}: a new chromic sensor for chemorecognition purposes, in: SOCIETÀ CHIMICA ITALIANA, S.C.I., IV Giornata della Chimica dell’Emilia-Romagna, Ferrara 17 Dicembre 2004, Atti, FERRARA, SCI, 2004, pp. 1 - 1 [Abstract]
M. Messori; M. Toselli; F. Pilati; E. Fabbri; P. Fabbri; L. Pasquali; M. Montecchi; S. Nannarone; C. Tonelli, Perfluoropolyether-Silica Hybrids: Preparation and Surface Characterization, in: CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT, ATTI DEL 7° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT, 29 GIUGNO - 2 LUGLIO 2004, ANCONA (ITALIA)., SINE LOCO, sine nomine, 2004 [Abstract]
A. Saccani; M. Toselli; E. Fabbri; P. Fabbri; M. Messori; F. Pilati, Preparation and Electrical Characterization of PET Films Coated with Nanostructured Organic-Inorganic Hybrids, in: CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT, ATTI DEL 7° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIMAT, 29 GIUGNO - 2 LUGLIO 2004, ANCONA (ITALIA)., SINE LOCO, sine nomine, 2004 [Abstract]
P. Fabbri; M. Messori; F. Pilati; M. Toselli; E. Fabbri; L. Pasquali; M. Montecchi; C. Tonelli, Nanocomposite Hybrid Coatings Containing a Fluorinated Organic Phase: Preparation, Characterization and Analysis of Surface Properties., in: CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE NANOCOMPOSITES 2004, Atti del Convegno Internazionale Nanocomposites 2004, San Francisco (CA)., SINE LOCO, sine nomine, 2004, pp. 302 - 313 (atti di: Nanocomposites 2004, San Francisco (CA), 31 Agosto - 3 Settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Messori; M. Toselli; F. Pilati; E. Fabbri; P. Fabbri; L. Pasquali; S. Nannarone;, Prevention of plasticizer leaching from PVC medical devices by using organic-inorganic hybrid coatings, «POLYMER», 2004, 45(3), pp. 805 - 813 [Scientific article]
E. Fabbri; P. Fabbri; M. Messori; F. Pilati; C. Tonelli; M. Toselli, Surface modification of unsaturated polyester resins with perfluoropolyethers., «POLIMERY», 2004, 49(11-12), pp. 785 - 789 [Scientific article]
C. Boga; E. Del Vecchio; L. Forlani, First Evidences for the Wheland Intermediates in Azo-coupling Reaction. Reactions between 1,3,5-Tris(N,N-dialkylamino)benzene and Arenediazonium Salts, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2004, -, pp. 1567 - 1671 [Scientific article]
G. Baccolini; C. Boga; M. Galeotti, Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of Secondary Cyclic Phosphanes with Easy Regeneration of the Phosphorus-Donor Reagent Used, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2004, 43, pp. 3058 - 3060 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; E. Marcantoni; P. Melchiorre; S. Rinaldi; L. Sambri, Highly Stereoselective Reduction of β-Keto Amides. The First General and Efficient Approach to N-Mono- and Non-Substituted anti-α-Alkyl β-Hydroxy Amides, «SYNLETT», 2004, 0, pp. 73 - 76 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; M. Locatelli; E. Marcantoni; P. Melchiorre; L. Sambri, Zn(ClO4)2·6H2O as a powerful catalyst for the conversion of b-ketoesters into b-enamino esters, «SYNLETT», 2004, 0, pp. 239 - 242 [Scientific article]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; S. Ligi; F. Pierelli; F. Trifirò, Selective Oxidation of C4 nd C5 alkanes: Recent Developments and Perspectives, in: S. ERNST, A. JESS, J.A. LERCHER, M. MARCHIONNA, P. PRINZ, E. SCHWAB, Tagungsbericht 2004-3 Proceedings DGMK Conference “C4/C5-Hydrocarbons: Routes to higher value-added products”, HAMBURG, DGMK, 2004, pp. 87 - 100 (atti di: DGMK Conference “C4/C5-Hydrocarbons: Routes to higher value-added products”, Munich (D), 0ttobre) [Contribution to conference proceedings]