A. Belletti; F. Cavani; H. Degrand; J.L. Dubois; C. Lucarelli; F. Trifirò, Anderson-type heteropolycompounds as precursors of catalysts for the selective oxidation of isobutene and isobutane, in: Book of Abstracts - VIII Italian Seminar on catalysis 2005 “Catalysis for Fine Chemistry”, MILANO, s.n, 2005, pp. 240 - 240 (atti di: VIII Italian Seminar on catalysis 2005 “Catalysis for Fine Chemistry”, Verbania Pallanza, June 2005) [Abstract]
M. Ardizzi; F. Cavani; E. Chiappini; L. Dal Pozzo; L. Maselli; A. Montaletti; T. Monti, Environmentally friendly, heterogeneous acid and basic catalysis for the methylation of 1,2-diphenol (catechol): chances for the control of regioselectivity, in: Book of Abstracts- VIII Italian Seminar on catalysis 2005 “Catalysis for Fine Chemistry”, MILANO, s.n, 2005, pp. 187 - 187 (atti di: VIII Italian Seminar on catalysis 2005 “Catalysis for Fine Chemistry”, Verbania Pallanza, June 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; S. Ligi; F. Pierelli; F. Trifirò, VPO catalyst for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride: a goal achieved, or a still open challenge ?, in: Book of Abstracts - Symposium on the Role of Vacancies, Disorder, and the Relationship between Surface and Bulk Structure in Selective Oxidation Catalysis”, s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: Symposium on the Role of Vacancies, Disorder, and the Relationship between Surface and Bulk Structure in Selective Oxidation Catalysis", Irsee (D), 10-12 june 2005) [Abstract]
C. Lucarelli; P. Moggi; F. Cavani, Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of Niobium and Vanadium mixed oxides and their application as catalysts in oxidative dehydrogenation of propane, in: Book of Abstracts - XVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Scienze e Tecnologie per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 49 - 50 (atti di: XVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Scienze e Tecnologie per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, Verbania Pallanza, 14-17 June 2005) [Abstract]
N. Ballarini; A. Battisti; F. Cavani; A. Cericola; C. Cortelli; M. Ferrari; F. Trifirò, Self-adapting vanadium oxide catalyst for the poxygen-assisted transformation of light hydrocarbons to COx/H2 through combined oxidation and WGS reactions, in: Book of abstracts - XVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Scienze e Tecnologie per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 47 - 48 (atti di: XVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Scienze e Tecnologie per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, Verbania Pallanza, 14-17 giugno 2005) [Abstract]
M. Ardizzi; F. Cavani; E. Chiappini; L. Dal Pozzo; L. Maselli, Environmentally friendly heterogeneous acid and base catalysis for the methylation of phenol and 1,2-diphenol: chances for the control of regioselectivity, in: 4th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis- Book of Abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 295 - 295 (atti di: 4th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Heidelberg (Germany), 5-8 june 2005) [Abstract]
M. Ardizzi; F. Cavani; L. Dal Pozzo; L. Maselli; R. Mezzogori; M. Armandi; B. Bonelli; E. Garrone, Catalytic and spectroscopic study of de-aluminated H-mordenites as environmental friendly catalysts in the hydroxymethylation of 2-methoxyphenol with formaldehyde in aqueous medium, in: 4th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis - Book of Abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 292 - 292 (atti di: 4th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Heidelberg (Germany),, 5-8 june 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; A. Frattini; B. Panzacchi; V. Ravaglia; F. Trifirò; R. Leanza; C. Fumagalli; G. Mazzoni, The identification of interactions between components in doped V/Ti/O-based catalysts for o-xylene oxidation, in: Book of abstracts - 5th International Symposium on Group Five Compounds, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 27 - 28 (atti di: 5th International Symposium on Group Five Compounds, Hancock, USA, 18-21 May 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; G. Puccinotti; M. Ricotta; F. Rodeghiero; F. Trifirò; C. Fumagalli; G. Mazzoni, The activity of V/P/O diluted in Al phopshate, catalyst for n-butane to maleic anhydride, in: 5th International Symposium on Group Five Compounds - Book of Abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 68 - 69 (atti di: 5th International Symposium on Group Five Compounds, Hancock, USA, 18-21 May 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; L. Maselli; D. Scagliarini; C. Flego; C. Perego, The gas-phase methylation of phenol and m-cresol as a method to discriminate acid and basic surface properties of Mg(Li)/Me (Me=Al, Cr, Fe) mixed oxides, in: Book of abstracts -, s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: First Conference of the European Union Coordination Action “CO-ordination of nanostructured catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe” CONCORDE “Understanding the dynamic and transient behavior of oxide catalysts in working conditions and the relationships with their catalytic performance", Louvain-la-Neuve, January 2005) [Abstract]
M. Bacchini; F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; S. Cortesi; S. Ligi; F. Pierelli; F. Trifirò; G. Mazzoni; C. Fumagalli; T. Monti, Further considerations on the role of vanadyl pyrophosphate properties in the catalytic oxidation of n-pentane to maleic and phthalic anhydrides”, in: Book of abstracts - Understanding the dynamic and transient behavior of oxide catalysts in working conditions and the relationships with their catalytic performance, s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: First Conference of the European Union Coordination Action “CO-ordination of nanostructured catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe” CONCORDE “, Louvain-la-Neuve, January 2005) [Abstract]
B. Ballarin; M. Berrettoni; I. Carpani; E. Scavetta; D. Tonelli, Electrodes modified with an electrosynthesised Ni/Al hydrotalcite as amperometric sensors in flow systems, «ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA», 2005, 538, pp. 219 - 224 [Scientific article]
L. Forni; G. Fornasari; M. Guerrini; F. Trifirò; A. Macario; A. Katovic; G. Giordano; J.B. Nagy, High silica MEL structures: synthesis parameters modification and catalytic results on Beckmann rearrangement reaction, in: 3rd FEZA Conference Book of Abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. Po-177 - Po-177 (atti di: 3rd FEZA Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 23-26 Agosto) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; N. Ballarini; M. Cimini; G. Mascanzoni; F. Trifirò; U. Cornaro; D. Ghisletti; R. Catani; M. Banares; M.O. Guerrero-Perez, The role of Nb in rutile-type antimonates for propane ammoxidation”, in: Book of Abstracts - First Conference of the European Union Coordination Action “CO-ordination of nanostructured catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe” CONCORDE ”, s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: Understanding the dynamic and transient behavior of oxide catalysts in working conditions and the relationships with their catalytic performance, Louvain-la-Neuve, January 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; L. Maselli; D. Scagliarini; C. Flego; C. Perego, The gas-phase methylation of phenol and m-cresol as a method to discriminate acid and basic properties of Mg(Li)/Me (Me=Al, Cr, Fe) mixed oxides, in: Book of Abstracts - The Fourth International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4), s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 99 - 99 (atti di: The Fourth International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4), Torino/aussois (F), Gennaio 2005) [Abstract]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; A. Frattini; B. Panzacchi; V. Ravaglia; F. Trifirò; R. Leanza; C. Fumagalli; G. Mazzoni, The spreading of vanadium oxide over titania (anatase) in doped V/Ti/O-based catalysts: the identification of specific interactions between components, and the modifications occurring under reaction conditions, in: Book of Abstracts - The Fourth International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4), s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 94 - 94 (atti di: The Fourth International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4), Torino/Aussois (F), Gennaio 2005) [Abstract]
C. Barbieri; F. Basile; G. Fornasari; M. Livi; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, New catalysts with enhanced NOx storage reduction capacity obtained by Ba-Mg interaction, in: G. DJÉGA-MARIADASSOU, A. KRZTON, M. NAJBAR, J. PIELASZEK, APAC 2005 International Symposium on Air Pollution Abatement Catalysis Book of Extended Abstracts, s.l, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005, pp. 15 - 16 (atti di: APAC 2005 International Symposium on Air Pollution Abatement Catalysis, Cracow (Poland), 21-24 settembre) [Abstract]
L. Angiolini; T. Benelli; L. Giorgini; F. Mauriello; E. Salatelli, POLIMERI FOTOCROMICI OTTICAMENTE ATTIVI RECANTI IN CATENA LATERALE IL CROMOFORO BISAZOAROMATICO PER DISPOSITIVI NANOMETRICI, in: SOCIETÀ CHIMICA ITALIANA (SCI), ATTI del 5° Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, RIMINI, SCI, 2005, pp. PF33 - PF33 (atti di: 5° Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, Riccione (RN), 10-12 ottobre 2005) [Abstract]
S. Bordoni; S. cerini; L. Busetto, Synthesis of O-functionalised five electron donor ligands and Coordination to Rh., in: XXXIII Congresso Naxionale della Divisione di Chimica Inorganica SCI, SIENA, centro stampa università di Siena, 2005, 1, pp. CO 10 - CO 10 (atti di: XXXIII Congresso Naxionale della Divisione di Chimica Inorganica SCI, S. Miniato (SI), 11-16/7/05) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Natanti; S. Bordoni; L. Busetto; S. Cerini, SYNTESIS and COORDINAtion of multidentate O-functioanlized Cp ligands, in: XXXIII Congresso Nazionale divisione inorganica SCI, SIENA, SCI, 2005, pp. PO 70 - PO 70 (atti di: XXXIII Congresso Nazionale divisione inorganica SCI, S. Miniato (SI), 11-16/7/05) [Contribution to conference proceedings]