G. Baccolini; C. Boga; M. Mazzacurati, P51. High atom-economical one-pot synthesis of tertiary and secondary phosphines using a phosphorus donor reagent, in: AA. VV., ESOC14 ABSTRACTS 14th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry July 4-8, 2005 Helsinki, Finland, JYVASKYLA, Antti Hoikkala and Sampo Karkola, 2005, -, pp. 179 - 179 [Abstract]
C. Boga; M. Mazzacurati; P. E. Todesco, 2-PO93. Regioselectivity in the Addition of Vinyl and Aromatic Grignard Reagents to bis(2-benzothiazolyl)ketone: C.- versus O-alkylation, in: AA. VV., 20th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry Book of Abstracts July 31 - August 5, 2005 Palermo - Italy, PALERMO, International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2005, -, pp. 406 - 406 [Abstract]
G. Baccolini; C. Boga; M. Mazzacurati, 2- PO94. High Atom-Economical One-Pot Synthesis of Tertiary Phosphines Using a Benzothiadiphospholic Heterocycle as Phosphorus Donor Reagent, in: AA. VV., 20th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry Book of Abstracts July 31 - August 5, 2005 Palermo - Italy, PALERMO, International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2005, -, pp. 407 - 407 [Abstract]
G. Baccolini; C. Boga; M. Mazzacurati, Sintesi, ad alta economia atomica, di fosfine terziarie e secondarie usando un reagente donatore di fosforo, in: AA. VV., XXX Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della Società Chimica Italiana Siena 19-23 Settembre 2005 VOLUME ATTI, SIENA, Società Chimica Italiana, 2005, -, pp. P146 - P146 [Abstract]
Ph. Arpentinier; F. Cavani; F. Trifirò, The contribution of homogeneous reactions in catalytic oxidation processes: safety and selectivity aspects, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2005, 99, pp. 15 - 22 [Scientific article]
N. Ballarini; F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; F. Gasparini; A. Mignani; F. Pierelli; F. Trifirò; C. Fumagalli; G. Mazzoni, The contribution of homogeneous and anon-oxidative side reactions in the performance of vanadyl pyrophosphate, catalyst for the oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride, under hydrocarbon-rich conditions, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2005, 99, pp. 115 - 122 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; J. Boeglin; M. Bosco; M. Locatelli; M. Massaccesi; P. Melchiorre; L. Sambri, Highly Efficient Solvent-free Condensation of Carboxylic Acids with Alcohols Catalysed by Zn(ClO4)2.6H2O, «ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS», 2005, 347, pp. 33 - 38 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; M. Locatelli; E. Marcantoni; P. Melchiorre; L. Sambri, Unusual and Unexpected Reactivity of t-Butyl Dicarbonate (Boc2O) with Alcohols in the Presence of Magnesium Perchlorate. A New and General Route to t-Butyl Ethers, «ORGANIC LETTERS», 2005, 7, pp. 427 - 430 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; A. Carlone; M. Locatelli; P. Melchiorre; L. Sambri, Direct Catalytic Synthesis of Enantiopure 5-Substituted Oxazolidinones from Racemic Terminal Epoxides ., «ORGANIC LETTERS», 2005, 7, pp. 1983 - 1985 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; S. Giuli; A. Giuliani; L. Lucarelli; E. Marcantoni; L. Sambri; E. Torregiani, Efficient Preparation of 2-Indolyl-1-nitroalkane Derivatives Employing Nitroalkenes as Versatile Michael Acceptors: New Practical Linear Approach to Alkyl 9H-b-Carboline-4-carboxylate, «JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2005, 70, pp. 1941 - 1944 [Scientific article]
G. Bartoli; M. Bosco; A. Carlone; M. Locatelli; P. Melchiorre; L. Sambri, Organocatalytic Asymmetric a-Halogenation of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2005, 44, pp. 6219 - 6222 [Scientific article]
S. Cerbelli; M. Giona; A. Paglianti; S. Pintus, Intermittency and fine structure of velocity fluctuations arising in flow-pattern transitions in stirred tanks, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2005, 60, pp. 4736 - 4748 [Scientific article]
BRUNAZZI E.; GALLETTI C.; PAGLIANTI A.; S. PINTUS, A screening tool to evaluate the levels of local anisotropy of turbulence in stirred vessels, «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH», 2005, 44, pp. 5836 - 5844 [Scientific article]
TAKENAKA K.; TAKAHASHI K.; BUJALsKI W.; NIENOW A.W.; PAOLINI S.; PAGLIANTI A.; A.W. ETCHELLS, Mixing time for different diameters of impeller at high solid concentration in an agitated vessel, «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN», 2005, 38, pp. 309 - 315 [Scientific article]
F. Cavani; L. Maselli; D. Scagliarini; C. Flego; C. Perego, How basic properties of MgO-based mixed oxides affect the catalytic performance in gas-phase and liquid-phase methylation of m-cresol, in: Oxide Based MaterialsNew sources, novel phases, new applications, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2005, pp. 167 - 177 (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis) [Chapter or essay]
F. Cavani; C. Cortelli; A. Frattini; B. Panzacchi; V. Ravaglia; F. Trifirò; C. Fumagalli; R. Leanza; G. Mazzoni, A new approach to the characterization of V species in doped-V/Ti/O catalysts by means of TPR and TPO measurements: a study of the effect of promoters in the oxidation of o-xylene, in: Oxide Based MaterialsNew sources, novel phases, new applications, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2005, pp. 153 - 165 (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis) [Chapter or essay]
BRUNAZZI E.; MAGELLI F.; MERELLO C.; PINTUS S.; PAGLIANTI A.; PREMOLI G., Abbattimento di inquinanti: nuove tecnologie per migliorare l’impatto ambientale e ridurre I costi di esercizio, in: LORENZINI, BISERNI, Atti della Conferenza Nazionale sulla Politica Energetica in Italia, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: Conferenza nazionale sulla politica energetica in Italia, Bologna, 18-19 Aprile 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BRUNAZZI E.; GALLETTI C.; MERELLO C.; PAGLIANTI A.; PINTUS S., Application of 3-D Optical Techniques for the Investigation of Single and Two-Phase Flows in Stirred Vessels, in: PIERUCCI, KLEMES, The seventh Italian Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, MILANO, AIDIC, 2005(atti di: The seventh Italian Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Giardini Naxos, 15-18 Maggio 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Finelli; V. Siracusa; N. Lotti; P. Marchese; A. Munari, Poly(dithiotriethylene adipate): Melting behavior, crystallization kinetics and morphology., «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2005, 41(8), pp. 1909 - 1918 [Scientific article]
P. Marchese; A. Celli; M. Fiorini, Influence of the Molecular Architecture on the Crystallizability and Phase Behavior of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/bisphenol A Polycarbonate Block Copolymers., in: R. K. BREGG, Leading-Edge Polymer Research, NEW YORK, Nova Publishers, 2005, pp. 119 - 152 [Chapter or essay]