PhD students and Research fellow

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Sam Thomas

PhD Student

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Gianluca Torta

PhD Student

Lorenzo Tosato

PhD Student

Cristian Tosi

PhD Student

Eleonora Tosi Brandi

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: CO2 conversion, Solar energy conversion, Photoelectrochemical Cells (PEC), Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Hybrid
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Fabiola Valli

Research fellow

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Luca Visentin

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Levulinic acid valorization through advanced novel technologies, Biomass to Chemicals and Fuels, Continuous-flow

Hailong Wang

PhD Student

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Martina Zangari

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Organic semiconductors, solid state
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Chenchen Zhang

PhD Student

Binlin Zhao

Research fellow

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Dimitrios Ziotas

PhD Student

Research fellow