The Department Council is composed:
- by the Director, who chairs it
- by the professors and researchers within it
- by the administrative-managerial manager, who assumes the function of secretary
- by elected representatives of the technical administrative staff in a number equal to at least 10% of the professors and researchers
- by elected student representatives 15% of the professors and researchers
- by elected representatives of the research fellows in numbers ranging from 1 to 3
Among the student representatives, 2 students are from the third cycle.
The representatives of the technical-administrative staff, of the research fellows and of the students are elected with a vote limited to the single components, according to modalities defined by the Department Regulations and by the University General Regulations.
The Council's exclusive powers, in the composition defined by the Department Regulations:
- research and teaching plans
- the budget proposal
- scheduling of staff needs and proposals to fill professor and researcher posts
- the formulation of the proposal to call professors and researchers,
- the proposal to activate, deactivate and regulate the Study Programs
- participation in schools
- the signing of Conventions pursuant to art. 19 bis
- the assignment of teaching tasks to professors and researchers
- the self-assessment report
- the proposal to activate and deactivate Headquarters Organizational Units
- the proposal to establish the structures pursuant to art. 25 paragraph 1 of this Statute and the Department Regulations