ISTEC - CNR Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic Materials of the National Research Council - University Framework Convention - Department implementation agreement for activities of mutual interest.
INSTM - National Interuniversity Consortium for Science and Technology - Research Unit at the Department - University Framework Convention - Implementing Agreement of the Department for activities of mutual interest.
ENI S.p.A - University Framework Agreement - Research, development, technical-scientific support on issues of specific interest - Department participation in the Management Committee; Implementing Agreement for research activities commissioned 2018 - 2019; agreement for the funding of doctoral scholarship in Chemistry on issues of mutual interest.
NOVAMONT SpA - University framework agreement for the development of research in the green chemical sector with particular attention to bioplastics and biochemicals and implementation of system actions to strengthen the respective skills and resources in the sector and the integration of research and training within the University - Department participation in the Coordination Committee; agreement for the funding of doctoral scholarship in Chemistry on issues of mutual interest.
HERA S.p.A - University framework agreement - Mutual collaboration in teaching, research, development and innovation in all sectors of mutual interest with particular, but not exclusive, reference to energy, environment and sustainability, circular economy, smart cities.